Safeguarding eLearning Courses


There are a number of  eLearning courses related to safeguarding training.  Please see below.

Modern Slavery

This free course, provided by The Open University, through OpenLearn, is designed to develop an understanding of the international system of human rights protection in relation to modern slavery, but also encourage an appreciation of the influence of International Human Rights Law on the development of the domestic system of human rights protection.  After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand the historical origins of slavery as well as examples of slavery
  • understand the international legal framework prohibiting slavery
  • understand the concept of modern slavery and its various forms
  • analyse the applicable law and apply it to a given example/case study
  • critically analyse and evaluate proposals for new legislation addressing modern slavery.

In order to under the course, which takes approximately 15 hours in total, you will need to first create an account on the OpenLearn site, if you do not already have one.

Home Office e-learning – First Responder

Home Office e-learning – child trafficking

NWG training on NRM & modern slavery

ECPAT UK provides training throughout the UK and internationally on child protection in tourism and on the protection of child victims of trafficking. In particular, ECPAT UK operates a national training programme on safeguarding children to increase awareness and highlight the specific support needs of trafficked children.  It has made available a free eLearning course ‘In Your Hands – Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking’.  To access the course, please register or login.

Suicide Prevention

Health Education England Public Health England have published a new eLearning module on Suicide Prevention called ‘We need to talk about suicide’.  The module aims to provide support for volunteers and health care professionals, enabling them to recognise early warning signs of suicide, support patients and their families, as well as offering additional health services in this time of need.  The module has been developed with support from families who have lived through suicide as well as health care professionals who work in mental health services.  The content includes section on why talking matters, who is at risk and possible warning signs, how to respond and support and wellbeing.  The module is free to access here.

Young People and Gambling

The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) are a leading National charity collaboratively delivering the UK’s £10million national education programme to those working with young people (age 7-25), to raise awareness around the potential harms associated with gaming and gambling.  They work  in a variety of health and educational settings, safeguarding and youth organisations and are also working with Children’s Services across a number of London boroughs.   They are currently running some free online training, covering:

  • an overview of how young people are increasingly exposed to gaming and gambling
  • the influence of advertising, particularly around sporting events
  • the role of social media, in game purchases, loot boxes and Esports
  • the signs to look out for when an individual is at risk and where to seek help
  • our resources that have been developed for practitioners to deliver

For further details, including dates and booking, please refer to their website here.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

Pace (Parents against child sexual exploitation) and the Virtual College provide a free eLearning training course called Keep them Safe which is a useful introduction to child sexual exploitation (CSE). The course is aimed at parents but will also be valuable to professionals with safeguarding responsibilities. The course provides information on what CSE is, what are the signs and indicators that a child might be being exploited, an understanding of the impact of CSE on families, and what to do if you suspect a child might be at risk of this form of abuse. To complete the course, register on-line. To find out more about CSE, see the RSCP website or attend one of our face-to-face briefings or training courses, provided as part of our Training Programme.

A further eLearning course available on CSE is Seen and Heard.  For more information, please see the dedicated page on this resource.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)


Virtual College, on behalf of the Home Office, provide a free eLearning course on Recognising and Preventing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). FGM is a procedure where the female genitals are deliberately cut. The course follows Hope’s journey exploring issues relating to FGM and how they can affect an individual throughout their whole life. The training aims to help a wide range of professionals to identify and assist girls who are at risk of FGM. It is particularly useful for frontline staff in health, police, early year’s education and childcare, and children’s social care. To register for the course, complete the on-line registration process. Also available is a Resource Pack which accompanies the training which can be downloaded. The Pack includes a poster, introductory e-mail on the elearning course which can be used to share with colleagues and a banner to include in emails. A face-to-face FGM training course is available as part of our Training Programme. To read more on FGM, visit the FGM page on the RSCP website or NHS Choices.

Fire Safety in the Home – for Home Carers and Housing Providers

The London Fire Brigade (LFB) have developed a training package aimed at care workers and housing providers to help identify key fire risks and hopefully prevent fires from starting in the first place.  The course takes approximately 1 hour to complete and covers:

  • warning signs such as cigarette burns in carpets, or smoking whilst drinking alcohol that workers visiting families in their own homes may observe;
  • preventative measures such as fitting smoke alarms via LFB Home Fire Safety Visits and the use of fire retardant bedding; and
  • the importance of referring those at high risk to either adult or children’s social care.

Enrolment is via the link below, making a note of your user name and password prior to submitting the form:

Fire Prevention eLearning and Safeguarding Toolkit

Forced Marriage


Virtual College provide an Awareness of Forced Marriage elearning course on behalf of the Government. The course was developed with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office. It aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and inform professionals of the correct actions to take should you suspect someone is at risk. The key learning outcomes are:

  • Recognition of the warning signs of forced marriage;
  • Taking the right actions to prevent potential victim; and
  • Co-operate effectively with other agencies.

This eLearning course is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk. To undertake the course, you first need to register.



The Government provide an introductory eLearning course to raise awareness of the Prevent duty. The duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 is on specified agencies to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. The course provides a foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the role that you can play in supporting those at risk. To undertake the course, you first need to complete the on-line registration procedure. Professionals within Redbridge can also access the face-to-face Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP) through our Training Programme. More information on Prevent can be found on Redbridge website or by contacting the Prevent Team via

Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes

There is a link between animals being abused and children being abused.  When animals are abused, people are at risk; when people are abused animals are at risk.  Every 30 seconds the RSPCA’s helpline receives a call.  Nearly 150,000 animal cruelty complaints were investigated in 2016.  Virtual College and The Links Group have developed a free on-line eLearning course on Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes.  This course will be of interest to anyone concerned about animal welfare or safeguarding children and will help recognition of those at risk of physical and mental abuse.  To access the course, please register or login if you already have an account with Virtual College.

Safeguarding Adults

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) provides a free eLearning training course on safeguarding adults. The course considers what adult safeguarding is, what are the different types and indicators of abuse, what to do if you suspect someone is being harmed and how to improve safeguarding to prevent harm. In order to complete the course, you must first set up a SCIE account. For more information, e-mail Information on protecting adults at risk of abuse or neglect can be found on the Redbridge MyLife website.

Parenting Courses

InOurPlace Understanding Your Child on-line parenting courses, developed by the Solihull Approach, are now available free of charge to Redbridge residents.  There are three different courses available covering the age range from pregnancy into childhood, some of which are in alternative languages.   Each course consists of a number of modules.  These can be completed at your own pace.  The courses are suitable for parents, carers and grandparents and they aim to enhance family life, improving understanding of babies and children.

The material is based upon expert research and the courses have achieved the Government’s CANparent Quality Mark.

Upon completion you can opt to receive a certificate.  To view the courses, you will first need to register an account using your e-mail address and then use the access code BRIDGE to obtain free use.  More information is available in the flyer (to the left) or view the website.